Creating Volume with Alpine
Creating Volume with Alpine
Tested Infrastructure
Platform | Number of Instance | Reading Time |
Play with Docker | 1 | 5 min |
Getting Started
- Create a Docker volume and pull Alpine image
- Create files in Alpine
- Verify the existence of Docker volume
Create a Docker volume and pull Alpine image
Create a Docker volume to which you will add persistent data.
docker volume create --name mydata
Create a Docker container, attach the data volume, and add persistent data. Pull a lightweight Alpine distribution image. docker pull alpine
Create a container from Alpine and mount the volume mydata to /mnt.
docker run -ti --name client -v mydata:/mnt alpine /bin/sh
Create files in Alpine
Go to the /mnt directory, touch (create) two files, and verify they exist.
cd /mnt
touch foo.txt
touch bar.txt
Exit the container.
Verify that the container exists and is stopped.
docker ps -a
Verify the existence of Docker volume
Delete the container and then verify that it is gone.
docker rm client
docker ps –a
Run a new container and mount the volume mydata to /mnt again.
docker run --rm -ti -v mydata:/mnt alpine /bin/sh
Go to the /mnt directory and observe if the files still exist.
cd /mnt
Exit the container.
Verify that the volume still exists.
docker volume ls
Clean up artifacts.
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) .
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)